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Hi there, and thank you so much for dropping in,


Nita suggested I have my own cozy corner for creator 'time out' time :)


Here's my life in a nutshell. I hope it will encourage you to write to me as your trusted Agony Aunt on a Pinky and to check out my books,


For those of you who have read my full story in FINDING NITA above, here's what happened after I was orphaned: I lived with four different families then set off for USA for a year as an AFS student at age 17. I got the travel bug. I returned to New Zealand, started university, was married at age 20 and mother to three at age 25. I'd travel again later…

Dunedin, NZ

With a BA and Teaching Diploma in hand, I ventured off into High School teaching and loved it. Then I spent six years in different roles: sales, off-shore recruitment, a magazine start-up and taking my own Confident Communication courses for pre-teens and adults. The highlight of that time was managing Kiwi Can, a Values Educational charity. Sixteen of my staff taught life skills in twelve South Auckland Primary and Intermediate schools in New Zealand., Students learned how to deal with bullying as well as aiming high and building their self-esteem. I was their mentor.

Organising my own singles' events with some marriages as a result, was also a delight! And I loved writing speeches for people, also delivering a few of my own.  FUN!

At the tender age of 47 I became a fitness instructor. I still run each day, hike, cycle and do all kinds of random exercises on park benches. Any bench will do.

Sunset Peak HK.jpeg

Sunset Peak, HK

Travel turned out to be a passion. I left NZ at age 50, divorced, with two suitcases, and no money, I had a plan to explore and save. Brunei was the first 2 year stint, then the dazzling Hong Kong for almost a decade. What a blast!


Mui Wo HK


In Hong kong I was privileged to meet writers, editors, artists and publishers in my role as President of the Hong Kong Women in Publishing Society, Editor Carol Dyer and author Sarah Brennan were a huge part of my Nita's World journey. I'm so grateful.

Some of my Cook Island short stories, as well as a few of my poems on various topics, have been published in Imprint.


HK Women in PUblishing Society's Annual Anthology

One of my very happy roles is as Nanny Zan. I get to read to my adorable grandkids via Zoom since I'm usually overseas.  We love the Mo Willems / Dawn McMillan series so much!

Nanny Zan time


My best education has been that as a lifetime learner and observer, a believer in things working out. 

Golden Beach, HK

Nita's World is the result of many years of my gravitation to motivational books and self-help material. I have many  journals, jottings, quotes and notes.  It's been a lifelong project.. I ended up writing my own quotes too which I hope you enjoy in my tiny books: Nita's Eureka Pick-Me-Ups!


miss m 4.jpg

2006 Motivational Calendar 

Okay, we're almost ready! Background check done; motive established.!


I write for you and other women, in the belief that you will be comforted, educated and inspired to overcome self-doubt and challenges as I have. Those challenges come in different forms at no certain times. 


I am here to support you, motivate you, and learn from you. Thank you for joining Pinky and me for the ride!

Suzanne x

'Let the story in your head be the happiest you can write'     

 Suzanne Andrews

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